Phantom Airborne Brigade


Open to any Member of the Military-Trained Airborne Brotherhood Worldwide

Here at Phantom Airborne Brigade Inc, we are committed to investing our expertise and resources to further achieve our cause. Since 1996, we have been supporting our Airborne community members in a variety of ways and measuring our success not by monetary size, but by more qualitative measurements such as the scale and effectiveness of our efforts. Just imagine what we can achieve together!

We were formed around 1980 by Military Trained Airborne Qualified personnel (of all ranks), with the aim of providing a platform for Active Duty, Retired and/or Veteran and Disabled Paratroopers to continue jumping in the manner they were used to while serving. The PAB has completed, without equipment malfunction, over 25,000 descents, more than any other single civilian round canopy group. Our group is open to any member of the Military Trained Airborne brotherhood worldwide.

Phantom Airborne ©2018 - 2028

By Joining PAB you acknowledge parachuting is a dangerous sport, and personally acknowledge and accept, any and all liability for your involvement and activities while a member